About Me & My Rattery
Rattery & Adoption Policies
Rat Knowledge & Common Questions
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Rats For Adoption
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Please read over the Rattery & Adoption Policies page BEFORE contacting me. It's very important. It tells you all of my policies on adopting, deposits, picking rats, pickup, and how things work.

Please read over the Rat Knowledge And Common Questions page BEFORE contacting me. It answers just about every question you could have about rats. It tells you everything you need to know about taking care of rats. Including what food, bedding, and cages are rat appropriate.

When contacting me about rat adoption please answer the following questions for the application. Please include the answered application questions in your first email to me. Please do not attach them as documents.

-:¦:- Application questions -:¦:-


¤ What is your experience with rats?
¤ Rats typically live two to three years. They may live longer. Are you prepared to keep them for their entire lives?
¤ Do you currently have rats? If so, what gender and age?
(Please also let me know ahead of time if they have or have had any health problems.)
If you have adopted rats after you have submitted an application please update me.

¤ What gender rats are you looking for?
¤ Do you plan on or are you interested in breeding rats?
¤ What vet do you use?
(Please provide the name of the vet, the clinic they work at, and their phone number.)

¤ What kind/brand of a cage do you have?
(Please send in a photo of your cage setup along with the measurements of the cage.)
¤ What will you have in your cage for hides, beds, hammocks, toys, chews, etc.?
(Please list in detail or provide photos/links to the items.)
¤ If you are adding rats to your mischief what temporary cage do you have?
(Please send in a photo of your cage setup along with the measurements of the cage.)
¤ What kind/brand of food will you use?
¤ What kind/brand of bedding will you use?

¤ What is your full name?
¤ How old are you?
¤ What is your phone number?
¤ What is your address?
¤ If you have a landlord, do they allow rats?
¤ What members are in you family, how old are they, and what part will they take in the rats' lives?
(If you are adopting them for your child/children are you prepared to continue to care for them even if your child loses interest in them?)
¤ Do you have any other pets? If so, what kind?

-:¦:- Click For Adoption Policies -:¦:-

If you change your choice of food, bedding, or cage you must notify me immediately to get the change approved. Your application was approved based on the supplies you filled out the application with. It does not cover any undisclosed changes. I highly recommend getting the change (especially a cage change) approved before purchasing.

If you are under 18 or still live with a parent/guardian I will have to talk to them on the phone to make sure it is ok that you are getting rats.

I require a deposit to hold rats. I can not guarantee there will be babies available. The deposit is half of the adoption fee. The other part of the adoption fee is due at the time of pickup.

People pick their babies in the order in which deposits were sent in. People pick their babies from photos and YouTube videos.

-:¦:- Click For Picking Your Rats Policies -:¦:-
(Explains how picking works.)

Deposits are nonrefundable in most cases. There are few exceptions where they are refundable; it is at a case by case basis and completely at my discretion. Your deposit lets me know you are serious about adopting rats and are fully committed to these little living beings.

-:¦:- Click For Deposit Policies -:¦:-

You must reverify what food and bedding you will be using along with sending a photo of your cage all setup before pickup. You can not pick your babies up until you do this.

-:¦:- Click For Pickup Policies -:¦:-
(Explains how pickup works.)

IMPORTANT. Effective 3/30/2015 - If you show up with the wrong supplies then I have the right to turn you away. (You may come back the following weekend but are subject to the late pickup fee.) Here is more information on this policy.

By contacting me you acknowledge that you have read everything on this page, the Rattery & Adoption Policies page, the Rat Knowledge & Common Questions page, and that you agree with the terms.

-:¦:- Contact Information -:¦:-

Email – apoetcalledanya@yahoo.com
Please read over my Rat Knowledge & Common Questions page before contacting me. It will tell you the best options for food, bedding, cages, and cage accessories / toys along with ones that are not acceptable.
Please read over the Rattery & Adoption Policies page before contacting me. It tells you about my Rattery's Policies, Adoption Policies, Deposit Policies, Picking Babies Policies, and Pickup Policies.
Please answer the application questions when contacting me. It will make things faster.

Click for The Firefly Rattery's Facebook Page.

Click for The FireflyRattery's YouTube channel.

Click for The Firefly Rattery's Instagram.

Phone Number - 413.218.9275
Please only call if you have already filled out the application and have talked to me in an email first. (I like to keep records of people's answers to the questions so I can easily look back and answer any questions they may have without having to ask everything all over again.)

-:¦:- Important Information -:¦:-

This is the email I send out before you take your babies home.

This is the updated take home procedure to comply with COVID-19 recommendations.

The Quarantine and Introduction Process.

The Firefly Rattery